Rosewater For Hair – How to Use It to Prevent Dandruff & Moisturize Hair

Rosewater For Hair – How to Use It to Prevent Dandruff & Moisturize Hair


Rosewater obtained from Rosa Damascene is a popular beauty product. Originally it comes from Iran, and the Iranians have various religious beliefs to the dusk rose plant. Apart from the Iranian connection, the rose is a symbol of love, purity, and beauty. Moreover, People use Rosewater for hair moisturizing and skin beauty.

The recent popularity of rose water is due to its scent and antioxidant properties. Rosewater has anti-inflammatory properties that can prevent aging. Some skincare enthusiast reports the potential benefits of rosewater on their scalp and hair.

Are you missing rosewater to your hair regime? If your hair is dry, frizzy, and doesn’t grow well, you can add rosewater to your routine.

Rosewater Fun Facts:

Types of Ingredients: Astringent & antioxidant for scalp.

Primary Benefits: Reduce oiliness, prevent dandruff, and smoothes frizz.

Who Should Use It: People with curly hair moisturize hair with oil. Everyone concerned with oil production on the scalp can use it.

How Often Can You Use It: You can apply it 2 – 3 times a week on the scalp and hair.

Work: The combo of rosewater & witch hazel can reduce inflammation on the scalp. Avoid overuse of both and consult the doctor before beginning use.

Don’t Work: Fortunately, no ingredient can interfere negatively with rosewater.

Advantages of Rosewater For Hair:


The topical application of rosewater on the scalp has numerous benefits. In general, rosewater is effective to prevent the overproduction of oil. An unbalanced and oily scalp leads to dandruff and other scalp issues. Essential Vitamins A, B3, C, and E reduce inflammation of the scalp. The anti-inflammatory properties of Rosewater help with scalp issues like eczema and psoriasis.

Some other medical benefits are:

Mild Scalp Astringent: Rosewater act as an astringent for the scalp. Also, It prevents excess production of oil that causes dandruff.

Defense Against Dandruff: Act as astringent rosewater prevents dandruff and gives a healthy scalp. Furthermore, The primary target of rosewater is to reduce the oiliness of the scalp.

Anti-Inflammatory Agent: The natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of rosewater make it perfect for the scalp. This elixir is especially beneficial for those with scalp disorders.

Frizz-Fighting Moisturizer: Rosewater moisturizes dry and frizzy hair. No one likes frizzy hair as they appear rough. Moreover, People with deep curly and wavey hair use rosewater for frizz-fighting moisturizers.

Prevents Hair Loss: Only a healthy and beautiful scalp can have healthy hair. The anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of rosewater give a healthy scalp with increased hair growth.

Aroma Therapy Stress Reducer: Stress! One of the primary contributors to hair loss. The pleasant and loving smell of rosewater helps in the reduction of stress. Rosewater aroma can release nervous system stress and tension. Also, Rosewater has a certification to alleviate allergies & headaches.

Hair Type Considerations:

Hair Growth

According to experts, rosewater is suitable for all hair types. Rosewater is the natural extract of the dusk rose plant and contains natural ingredients. Moreover, The natural ingredients and medical health benefits make it unique. You might be familiar with its use as a skincare product. People use rosewater to get glowing and shiny skin.

Rosewater for hair also has incredible benefits including scalp health, hair growth, and many more. The oil production of the scalp varies from scalp texture to hair types. However, the fascinating benefits of rosewater apply to all hair types.

Furthermore, the moisturizing effects of rosewater make it a great choice for those who have curly and rough hair. Additionally, you can get rid of the irritation and itching of the scalp by using rosewater. Also, the anti-inflammatory properties of rosewater reduce pain and restore a balanced scalp.

If you have encountered a previous skin reaction to essential oil, then you can use rosewater with caution. Rosewater may enhance the allergic reaction. Apart from this, some people are allergic to the rose aroma. For those people, rosewater is not suitable. However, an allergist can recommend you better whether you use rosewater or not. Overall, the rosewater is not allergic to the scalp as it has numerous benefits.

How To Use Rosewater For Hair:


Finally, you have decided to add rosewater to your haircare routine. How to use it? You can apply it directly to the scalp with help of cotton buds. In addition to this, there are various rosewater products available to use.

If you don’t want to use those products, you can make your rosewater at home. You can steep the original rose petals into the boiling water. Also, The boiling water will extract the oil and essence of rose petals.

Here are some quick tips to use rosewater for hair.

Post Shampoo Rinse: Some experts recommend using rosewater after shampoo. Because after applying shampoo, your hair is free from dust. Also, you can apply it after both shampoo and conditioner. You can rinse it after a few hours.

Add It to Shampoo or Conditioner: Usually, some shampoo and conditioner contain rosewater as natural ingredients. However, you can add your homemade rosewater to your shampoo for better performance.

Add rosewater to your favorite shampoo to shine naturally!

Misting The Hair & Scalp: You can purchase rosewater in mist form. Also, you can make your mist by adding rosewater to misting bottle. Applying a mist of rosewater is the best solution to moisturize frizzy hair. Furthermore, You can leave the rosewater into your hair as it has no adverse effects.

Dab Onto The Scalp: Dabbing is one of the most accepted ways to apply rosewater. If you want to reduce dandruff and scalp itching, then dab the scalp with rosewater. Pick a cotton ball or swab, dip it into the rosewater and apply it to the scalp.

For better and expected results, use rosewater for hair 2 – 3 times per week. Also, Follow it with shampoo and conditioner. Furthermore, you can use it with essential oil.

Get moisturized hair with rosewater!

Fiza Arooj

Fiza Arooj is a WordPress blogger and Author at Six3.Tv Magazine. She Loves to share amazing content with her audience.

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