Exercise & Sleep – How Exercise Affects Sleep Quality?

Exercise & Sleep – How Exercise Affects Sleep Quality?


Do you sleep better at night? Or have you ever heard about the link between exercise & sleep? Getting enough sleep is tricky due to overloaded work and hectic routines. Approximately 32% of people cannot get better sleep at night.

However, many sleep experts explain that there is a link between physical activity and sleep. Exercise is good for health as it regulates the blood flow to all parts of the body. Those people who get up early for a morning walk stay active and energetic for the whole day.

Are you reading this post to improve your sleep quality? No doubt, exercise keeps you fresh and active. The exact time for exercise or physical activity is still a hot debate topic. Medical researchers and sleep experts are finding shreds of evidence to encourage people to exercise.

Listen to your body after work out and improves your sleep quality.

The Link Between Exercise & Sleep:


Although the link between physical activity and sleep is still unclear, moderate aerobic exercise is enough for getting good sleep. Also, you can reduce the fatigue of daily work out by walking and moving to a garden. A well-rested person can pursue a better workout with energy.

Sleep comes when our body muscles and systems need a recovery. Only a better sleep can recover the damage of training sessions, higher metabolism, and cardiovascular system.

There is an influence of hormones on the sleep cycle. Sometimes, due to hormonal imbalance, you can not get sound sleep. Here exercise comes in. A correctly done exercise can mollify the effects of hormones. Exercise modulates the sleep cycle by increasing the concentration of cortisol and lowering the concentration of melatonin.

Moreover, exercise is beneficial for an anxious person. It acts as an anti-depressant and anti-anxiety dosage. Both anxiety and depressions are harmful to a person’s health. Exercise is the most effective for those suffering from sleep disorders due to anxiety.

Dos & Dont’s Related to Exercise & Sleep:


Never try a strenuous workout as it causes aches and pain. Acute and chronic injuries lead to poor sleep, and a person cannot get depth sleep. If you stay asleep due to aches and pain, cure them for getting better sleep.

Also, not to take exercise just before sleep. Sometimes, exercise results in fatigue, cramps, and micro cramps that may be uncomfortable for you.

Make sure to go for early brisk walking. Morning walk pumps up the cortisol level by lowering the melatonin. Also, it enhances the production of dopamine and serotonin that makes you happy. The natural sunlight stimulates the circadian centers behind the eyes. Thus morning walk gives you a metabolically active day and better sleep at night.

Furthermore, start increasing your exercise routine in increments. A slow increment to your intensity will give time to the body to adjust. It will never result in acute and chronic injuries.

Maintain a balance of both aerobic and strengthening exercises. Both exercises regulate different mechanisms of the body. For example, aerobic exercise will give better breath and better sleep cycle, while strengthening exercise give relief to pain and aches.

Does Exercise Improves The Sleep Quality?


Countless researches show that exercise is the key to better sleep. Exercise reduces the stress and anxiety to make a person happy. Also, it increases the blood flow to the brain and results in the formation of new brain cells. For those people, who suffer from a sleep disorder like Insomnia, exercise is perfect.

You don’t have to exercise for long to reap the potential benefits. Be consistent with your daily routine and get rid of sleep apnea. A 10-minute walk or cycling not only improves the sleep quality but also makes a person healthy.

Moreover, the sunlight balances the circadian rhythms and improves the sleep-wake cycle. Are you clear about how exercise & sleep are correlated?

Can Exercise Interrupt Your Sleep?

Exercise is an asleep booster. How can it interrupt your sleep? Yup! Exercise interrupt if it is too intense. A high and strenuous exercise can increase the heart rate and body temperature. After exercise, if your body temperature is too high, you can not sleep properly. The body will take a longer time to sleep.

As well, late-night exercise can interrupt by cramps and pain that affect the sleep depth. Late-night exercise disturbs the level of comfort and leads to poor brain functioning.

However, you can maintain a good yoga practice routine, light stretching, and leisurely walking to prepare your body for better night sleep.

How Much Exercises Do You Need For Better Sleep?


I can sense your next question that how much exercise will be beneficial for better sleep? By maintaining a routine of 30 minutes walking, you can see a difference in your night sleep. It will not take your months and days to see benefits.

Picking the right exercise is the key to better sleep. Such as powerlifting and yoga practice is enough to alleviate the symptoms of anxiety and depression. And, it will result in better health and depth sleep.

Better Sleep Tonight?

If you are going to start an exercise today, you will notice better sleep quality. Also, you can maximize your sleep by avoiding:

  • Caffeine after lunch
  • Late-night dinner
  • Alcohol before sleep

Exercise will improve your mood, general health, performance, and wellbeing. Make sure to keep a record of exercise time that is more beneficial for you.

Get optimal sleep & be mindful!

Fiza Arooj

Fiza Arooj is a WordPress blogger and Author at Six3.Tv Magazine. She Loves to share amazing content with her audience.

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